
Databases of Development Indicators and Supplemental Material from Publications

Updated January 25, 2023


    1. Argentine Provinces Databases
    2. 104 Developing Countries in 1990 Database
    3. 47 Developing Countries in 1995 Database
    4. 92 Developing Countries Time Series Cross Sectional Database
    5. 173 Countries Database
    6. 20 Latin American Countries Database
    7. Brazilian States Database
    8. Strikes in Argentina 1984-1993 Database
    9. Data used in Wealth, Health, and Democracy in East Asia and Latin America
    10. Data, Stata Do-File, and Robustness Checks for “Authoritarianism in the Middle East”
    11. Data, Stata Do-File, Robustness Checks, and Web Appendices for “Political Regime and Social Performance”
    12. Data, Stata Do-File, and output for statistical analyses in “Obstacles to Takeup: Ecuador’s Conditional Cash Transfer Program, the Bono de Desarrollo Humano”
    13. Data Used in Democracy and Population Health
    14. Postprint and Online Appendix of “The Trump Vote and Covid-19 Vaccination Across US States, US Counties, and Connecticut Towns”

1. Argentine Provinces Databases

For the 24 Argentine provinces including the Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires.

1a. Horizontal spreadsheet McGuireArgProvDataHorizPublic.xlsx: Last updated Sept. 6, 2018.

  • Gross Provincial Product per capita
  • Residential electricity consumption billed in KWh per capita
  • Income inequality in the province’s major metropolitan area(s)
  • Income poverty in the province’s major metropolitan area(s), annual
  • Income poverty in the province’s major metropolitan area(s), semi-annual
  • Employment, unemployment, and labor force statistics
  • Public employment
  • Public spending on health care
  • Public spending total and by function
  • Total, public, and private health care spending
  • Share of births in medical facilities, at home, and attended by professionals
  • Health personnel and health facilities
  • Water, sanitation, and housing
  • Schooling and educational attainment
  • Infant mortality rate
  • Maternal mortality ratio
  • Life expectancy and other mortality statistics
  • Total population
  • Population aged 65 and older
  • Urbanization
  • Population density
  • Provincial surface area and capital city name, latitude, and longitude
  • Provincial legislatures: institutional characteristics
  • Turnout in provincial deputy election (votes divided by eligible voters)
  • Closeness of provincial deputy election (alternative measures)
  • Peronist-dominated coalition wins most votes in provincial deputy election
  • Provincial gender quotas: size, dates, placement mandates, sanctions
  • Total seats in the provincial unicameral or lower house
  • Total seats in the provincial unicameral or lower house, alternative sources
  • Number of provincial deputy seats held by women, primary sources
  • Percentage of provincial deputy seats held by women, secondary sources
  • Percentage of provincial deputy seats held by women, all sources reconciled
  • Number of national deputy seats held by women

Many of these variables are measured in more than one year; some are measured in more than 40 consecutive years.

1b: Vertical spreadsheet McGuireArgProvDataVertPublic.xlsx Last updated Sept. 6, 2018. Long time series for most variables. The data are stacked for time-series cross-sectional analysis.

  • Health care share of provincial budget.
  • Births in private homes as a share of all births
  • Infant mortality
  • Maternal mortality
  • Whether 50%+ seated legislators elected in presence of gender quota (0/1)
  • Required minimum share of seats for women in the province’s gender quota (0, 25, 30, 33, or 50)
  • Whether 50%+ seated legislators elected in presence of gender quota & placement mandate (0/1)
  • Proportion of seats held by women in provincial unicameral or lower-house legislature
  • Proportion of seats held by women in province’s national deputy delegation
  • Per capita residential electricity consumpton billed, in KWh per capita
  • Gross provincial product per capita
  • Gini index of income inequality
  • Proportion of population below the income poverty line
  • Percentage of the population aged 65+
  • Percentage of the population in localities with 2000+ inhabitants
  • Population density: inhabitants per square kilometer
  • Percentage of mothers giving birth who are illiterate or have incomplete primary education
  • Provincial deputy election every two years = 1; provincial deputy election every four years = 0
  • Turnout in provincial deputy election (votes divided by eligible voters)
  • Vote share: Percent of the vote in provincial deputy election going to the most-voted party or coalition
  • Vote gap: Multiple by which votes for most-voted party exceeded votes for 2nd most-voted party in provincial deputy election
  • Seat share: Percent of the seats in provincial deputy election going to the most-voted party or coalition in provincial deputy election
  • Seat gap: Multiple by which provincial deputy seats won by the most-voted party exceeded seats won by the 2nd most-voted party in provincial deputy election
  • PJ or Peronist-dominated coalition wins the most votes in the election for the provincial legislature: yes=1, no=0

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2. 104 Developing Countries in 1990 Database

104 developing countries, 237 variables
Most observations from around 1990
These data were used in my March 2006 World Development article


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3. 47 Developing Countries in 1995 Database

47 developing countries, 196 variables
Most observations from around 1995
These data were used in my March 2006 World Development article


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4. 92 Developing Countries Time Series Cross Sectional Database

92 developing countries, 45 variables
Observed, data permitting, in 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, and 1995


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5. 173 Countries Database

173 countries, 156 variables
Many observed for 1960 and c. 1995; others go back to 1870


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6. 20 Latin American Countries Database

20 Latin American countries, 150 variables
Some measured at multiple points in time, including as early as 1900


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7. Brazilian States Database (Zuleika Arashiro and James McGuire)

27 Brazilian states (or 16 where data unavailable for Amazon and Center-West states)
51 variables, many measured at multiple points in time


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8. Strikes in Argentina 1984-1993 Database

3,406 strikes from January 1984 to December 1993
Each strike coded on 14 dimensions


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9. Data used in Wealth, Health, and Democracy in East Asia and Latin America

The appendices linked below are also available on the Cambridge University Press webpage for the book

Appendix A1: Infant Mortality Estimates Essay
Appendix A2: Infant Mortality Estimates Data

Appendix B1: Gini index of income inequality, selection criteria, estimates in McGuire 2010 (.pdf)
Appendix B2: Gini index of income inequality, actual estimates selected for McGuire 2010 (.xlsx)

Appendix C1: Statistical Output and Robustness Checks for Tables 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6
Appendix C2: Statistical Output for the Analyses in Table 11.1, Cols. 1 and 2
Appendix C3: Statistical Output for the Analyses in Table 11.2

Appendix D1: Data used in Figures 1 and 2 and in Table 11.1, Columns 1 and 2
Appendix D2: Data used in Tables 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5
Appendix D3: Data on births attended by trained personnel used in Table 2.6, last column
Appendix D4: Data on mean years of schooling, female used in Table 2.6, last column
Appendix D5: Data on GDP per capita used in Table 2.6, last column
Appendix D6: Data on Gini index used in Table 2.6, last column
Appendix D7: Data on infant mortality decline and GDP per capita growth in Table 11.1, Col. 3
Appendix D8: Data on infant mortality and socioeconomic circumstances used in Table 11.2
Appendix D9: Method used to determine “nearest neighbor” for Gini imputation in Table 11.2

Appendix E: Expanded citations for the works cited in the published book

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10. Data used in “Authoritarianism in the Middle East”

To reproduce the analyses in Anne Mariel Peters and James W. McGuire, “Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Structural Conditions and Causal Processes Revisited” (unpublished; available on request to and in PetersMcGuireRobustnessChecks.pdf, download PetersMcGuireStataDoFileInstructions.pdf and follow them. You’ll need a not-too-ancient edition of both Excel and Stata. Files ending in .do are not permitted on the website, so the Stata do-file was copied and pasted into a Microsoft Word document (.docx). To execute the do-file you have to copy the contents of PetersMcGuireStataDoFile.docx into a Stata do-file in .do format.


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11. Data used in “Political Regime and Social Performance.”

McGuire, James W. “Political Regime and Social Performance.” Contemporary Politics 19 No. 1 (March 2013), 55-75.

The WordPress software used to create this website does not permit the uploading of Stata files. Hence the data are in .xlsx rather than .dta format and the .do program and .smcl output files have been copied and pasted into .docx files. The .dta, .do, and .smcl files used in the analyses are available on request from

On September 16, 2012, in conjunction with McGuirePolRegSocPerf.xls ran without a hitch and produced McGuirePolRegSocPerf.smcl. You can probably reproduce this run by copying McGuirePolRegSocPerfStataDOfile.docx and pasting it into a Stata .do file and copying McGuirePolRegSocPerfStataSMCLfile.docx but you will have to install a couple of user-written programs, tabmiss.pkg from and xtivreg2 from

Appendices mentioned in notes to article:


Data, Stata .do (program) file, and Stata .smcl (output) files in .xlsx or .docx format. The actual .dta, .do, and .smcl files used in the analyses are available on request from

McGuirePolRegSocPerf.xlsx (nb. 13 mb)

12. Data used in “Obstacles to Takeup: Ecuador’s Conditional Cash Transfer Program, the Bono de Desarrollo Humano.”

Rinehart, Chloe S., and James W. McGuire. “Obstacles to Takeup: Ecuador’s Conditional Cash Transfer Program, the Bono de Desarrollo Humano.” World Development 97 (September 2017), 165-177.

The WordPress software used to create this website does not permit the uploading of Stata files. Hence the data are in .xlsx rather than .dta format and the .do program and .smcl output files have been copied and pasted into .docx files. The .dta, .do, and .smcl files used in the analyses are available on request from


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13. Data Used in Democracy and Population Health

















McGuireElementAppxTable7-Dependent Variables







The WordPress software used to create this website does not permit the uploading of .do, .dta, or .smcl Stata files. Hence the data are in .xlsx and the .do program and .smcl output files have been copied and pasted into .docx files.

14. The Trump Vote and Covid-19 Vaccination Across US States, US Counties, and Connecticut Towns. Regional and Federal Studies 2023, online before print.

Postprint version of article

Online appendix of article